Why do we need classification?

All content viewed on T.V, Radio or Gaming has been screened and classified for viewing and we believe that Online content is no different. The concept of the WWW and Internetwork of Websites through the use of the http protocol was established so quickly and expanded so rapidly that little time was spent on discussing vital matters such as content classification. Subsequently it was left behind.


Many online users will use graphical representation such as images or icons to navigate a website. A visual aid to represent content is the fastest way to capture the readers attention.

Safeguard & Consolidate your online Assets

Verify & Vaildate ownership of your online assets to avoid any confusion over ownership rights. We do this by validating ownership of each asset thus protecting it's inegrity and continuity.

Our Service

Our core competencies are ensuring that website content is correctly classified. We do this through the use of web standards we have created. These standards are in place to ensure the classes are upheld for all pages across a specific website.

Protecting Users Rights

A user has the right to safely navigate the Internet, without being intimidated by it's content.

Classification Standards

We have developed a set of standards that website owners can adhere to to ensure compliance.

The Internet's Future

To categorically classify website content for viewing.

General Classification
Adult Classification
Disturbing Classification
Sensitive Classification